About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Artis Lismanis and I’m a data professional based in the United Kingdom. I currently work as Head of Data Development at Cox Automotive Europe. What gets me out of bed in the morning is creating pragmatic solutions to enable the right data, in the right form, at the right time, in the right context. As I see it the value from data is unlocked only when we act on the insights generated, and this, in turn, can only happen effectively when data is seamless. This is a record of my personal journey towards this ideal, making data so easy and frictionless it is barely noticeable.

This blog is an attempt to capture my thoughts on various data topics together with any useful information I come across in my daily work as well as tinkering with technology outside work. It is still very early days, but you can expect to read my musings on data processing, analysis, and visualisation, managing high performing teams and value of data at a more strategic level. There will be plenty of practical how-to articles, an odd book review as well as some odd bits and bobs I park here for my reference.

I’m keen to connect with others passionate about the value of data, so please engage by commenting on articles, agreeing or disagreeing and sharing your own experience. Any feedback on how this blog could be improved would be massively appreciated. And if you have made this far, don’t be a stranger, reach out and say hello on socials via links to the side.